We couldn't have got this far without the support of the following organisations and individuals

We are incredibly grateful to East Lothian Council Countryside Rangers for permitting us to harvest sea buckthorn for commercial purposes. We work with them to agree areas and report on the quantities harvested.

We were fortunate to have been chosen by First Port for a Start it grant from 2018- 2019 which was an incredible help in our first year. We have also received business support/advice and a further Build it Grant from First Port in 2020 which is enabling us to start to scale up production. A special thanks to Colin and Ray!

We greatly value the friendship, guidance and encouragement of Seth Pascoe from the Cornish Seaberry Company and British Seabuckthorn Company. We hope to continue to work further to agree common standards and processing technology under the umbrella of the UK Seabuckthorn Association.